Join in
All organisations in Luton have an important role to play in delivering on the Luton 2040 vision. Employers in the town are critical to delivering skills, well-paid jobs and local wealth building to build an inclusive economy, while all organisations can also play an important role in tackling the wider determinants of health, including housing, education and employment to enable everyone to enjoy a healthy life and reach their full potential. All organisations also have an important role to play in increasing sustainability and reducing emissions through their operations, as well as providing opportunities for children and young people and building fairness, resilience and pride throughout our community.
Many of our major anchor institutions and large employers in the town are already heavily involved in delivering our shared vision for Luton 2040, and we are developing some of the key partnerships that are essential to delivering on key strands of the vision. These key partnerships include our anchor institutions workshop, the Fairness Taskforce, a civic agreement with the University of Bedfordshire and our town centre stakeholder group. These partnership approaches are only the beginning and we will continue to develop more opportunities for all organisations to work together to deliver in partnership towards Luton 2040.
The Luton 2040 Pledge
Many organisations have also been setting out their own Luton 2040 pledges to affirm their commitment to delivering on the vision. These pledges include a set of clear commitments agreed by each organisation that align with our 2040 priorities, demonstrating the many ways in which they are contributing to delivering on our collective aims. These include commitments such as signing up to the Good Business Charter, committing to fair pay and employment, organisational plans for wellbeing, sustainability and active travel and commitments to provide training, employment and apprenticeship opportunities for young people. Making a Luton 2040 Pledge is easy for organisations to do and is a great way to demonstrate the social value that each organisation brings to residents, customers, partners and investors. Developing a pledge can also help organisations to develop their own plans and strategies in a way that clearly aligns with our shared vision for Luton 2040, so that we can all work together to achieve our collective aims.
ABCD in Luton
As a people's movement, we pledge to support the 2040 vision
- Increasing local spend as well as generating social value and ensuring ethical and sustainable sourcing through procurement and supply chains
- Increase awareness of the towns new place brand Step Forward Luton
- Increasing social connectedness in workplaces and communities
- Creating active workplaces and developing policies and initiatives for active commuting
- Providing leadership and education on the climate agenda in schools, workplaces and communities
- Greening the town or workplaces, tree planting and actions to improve air quality
- Implementing waste reduction plans
- Increasing opportunities for volunteering and participation
- Taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
- Giving all residents/employees/customers a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- Developing links with the voluntary and community sector to promote volunteering and provide funding or in-kind support to the VCS, such as discounts for venue hire, legal and financial services and mentoring
- Supporting the work of Lutons Fairness Taskforce to tackle inequalities in Luton
Active luton
Active Luton is committed to improving the health and wellbeing, education, skills and life chances of its community. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- promoting and delivering services that support increased physical activity, improved mental wellbeing and healthy lifestyles at all stages of life
- promoting and creating opportunities to improve social connectedness at all stages of life
- signing up to Lutons Good Business Charter and paying all our workers the Real Living wage
- adopting an accessibility for all approach and being a disability-confident employer
- implementing healthy workplace practices such as active travel and promoting stop smoking and healthy lifestyles support
- providing targeted skills and employment opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented groups
- delivering employment and skills provision for young people through schemes like Kickstart, apprenticeships and work experience
Barnfield College
Barnfield College is committed to delivering a more inclusive economy and improving the life chances of our young people and the wider community. We will work with partners and residents to deliver the Luton 2040 vision by:
- delivering targeted education and training in priority skills; equipping people for the modern, sustainable economy and driving growth
- creating study programmes that develop a full range of personal, social and employability skills - readying people for work and encouraging entrepreneurship
- ensuring education and lifelong learning is accessible, removing barriers and raising aspirations
- increasing social connectedness for our community, with a focus on mental and physical wellbeing
- investing in our campus estate to provide industry-standard kit and equipment for the benefit of the community
Be Active
Be Active are committed to ensuring movement and physical activity plays a key role in improving lives, creating inclusive, safe opportunities, and building community resilience. We will work in partnership to support, develop, and promote opportunities for all people to be active for life. We will work with both our partners and the people of Luton to deliver the Luton 2040 vision by:
- Developing our revised Diversity, Inclusion Action Plan to be robust, challenging, and reflective of local need. This will be support by the following actions:
- The development of our own Inclusion and Diversity pledge relevant to the sector to encourage partners to become a more knowledgeable and understanding organisation, shaped around providing equitable and safe access to physical activity.
- The development of our own Inclusion and Diversity pledge relevant to the sector to encourage partners to become a more knowledgeable and understanding organisation, shaped around providing equitable and safe access to physical activity.
- We will mitigate against risk of social isolation and loneliness by creating a whole system approach across Luton to our 4 priority audiences
- We will maintain our status as a disability-confident employer.
- Advocate and demonstrate the positive thins we are doing to reduce carbon emissions and reduce the impact of climate change on our ability to take part in sport and physical activity.
- We will publish a plan for action that will clearly set out the key actions that we will take as a team and individuals to reduce our carbon emissions. (This will focus on, but not exclusively, active travel, efficient use of systems and communication of sourcing materials.
- We will deliver against, and where appropriate, adapt our children and young people strategy to engage more young people with physical activity.
- We will continue to promote and support the creation of community services targeted at improving health and wellbeing, education and creating opportunities for under-represented groups.
- We will continue to empower and support communities to improve their governance, equality, and best practice with different training opportunities for local organisations, charities on a yearly basis.
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation
Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation (BLCF) is committed to working with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 and its five priorities and specifically:
- improving wellbeing and tackling inequality by reviewing how we can make our funding and programmes more equitable and accessible to those experiencing inequality and in doing so building a culture of fairness into all our partnerships and greater transparency
- support people to thrive through our programmes and community partnerships through greater opportunities to ensure routes out of poverty
- become carbon neutral and protect our environments by looking at our own work and supporting the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) to address their own impact and develop projects that raise awareness amongst communities
- promote fairness, community cohesion and local pride through all our work as we listen learn, adapt and change offering greater support for groups who have been marginalized or disadvantage to growth thrive and survive and in doing so give agency to their voices in shaping our work
Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Integrated Care Board
We are committed to working in partnership to deliver Luton 2040 to help residents thrive, so they are happier; wealthier and healthier. We pledge to tackle the causes of ill health by actively reducing health inequalities, working to give children and young people the best start in life and take the lead as one of the largest employers in the town to support with employment and health challenges, and wider economic development.
- We will ensure that inclusivity and tackling inequalities are at the heart of everything that we do and deliver the recommendations of the Denny Review
- We will ensure that we co-produce our strategies and plans with residents
- We will ensure that all parts of the Luton community can access the health care they need
- We will work to ensure that our communities are more resilient by using the MOU with the CVSE to support community development within neighbourhoods and cohorts of the populations with greatest need
- We will put the rights of the child as central to our strategies and help Luton to become a UNICEF child friendly town.
- We will support the delivery of a network of family hubs
- We will ensure young peoples mental health is prioritised by the MH/LD provider collaborative.
- We will work to increase the rates of MMR vaccination uptake in children under five to bring us in line with our statistical neighbours.
- We will be active partners to deliver the Childhood Obesity strategy.
- We will improve childrens dental health by actively supporting the oral health action plan to ensure every child can access timely primary dental care
- We will be a Luton living wage employer.
- We will ensure that our suppliers are Luton living wage employers.
- We will procure locally where possible within BLMK.
- We will employ locally by supporting apprenticeship schemes and work jointly within Luton to increase the number of people recovering from addition to secure employment or education.
- We will work together as system partners to train and develop our workforce to ensure that careers are fulfilling
- We will ensure that the health system in Luton is net zero by 2040 and actively support the annual cycle of the green plan
- We will deliver the recommendations from the Marmot Health Equity Town report required of the health system as part of the health equity town delivery
- We will ensure that cancer pathways are accessible and we will reduce the proportion of people presenting with a late stage cancer
- We will ensure that the genetic risks of close relative marriage are understood by Luton residents through the work of the local maternity and neonatal system (LMNS)
- We will ensure easy access for residents presenting with mental health conditions including talking therapies
- We will ensure people with long term conditions are supported to increase self management and to access ongoing health prevention opportunities
- We will continue to work to bring together different working practices; processes; priorities and data
- We will deliver an integrated neighbourhood working plan, with partners and multi disciplinary teams across the health and social care system in Luton Borough Council
- We will develop a shared Luton Estates Strategy to support and deliver neighbourhood working during 2024
- We will campaign to NHSE to secure funding for a Clinical Diagnostic Centre in Luton Town Centre
- We will advocate to deliver a radiotherapy bunker at the Luton and Dunstable Hospital
- We will ensure that the Shared Care Record is accessible to the public sector partners and supporting partners during 2024
- We will continue to support the University of Bedfordshire Research and Innovation Hub to ensure that we are continuing to improve outcomes
- We will ensure that this pledge is delivered upon through the Luton Place Board that is accountable to the ICB and the Health and Wellbeing Board.
- The pledge will be reviewed on a quarterly basis commencing Q1 (end of June) 2024 and will be revised to include SMART targets were possible.
Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust
For us these goals mean:
- putting children and families at the heart of our decision-making through co-production at every opportunity, including the childs voice
- services offered based on the needs of children and families through pregnancy, birth, early years and safely into adulthood
- ensuring what we deliver is based on best evidence of what works for children and families
- working in partnership no one organisation can achieve a child friendly town
- we put prevention at the heart of everything we
- CCS will continue to work with partners to promote Luton as a child friendly town and in doing so makes the following commitments:
- n the first 12 months we will develop our single point of access for Luton to improve access to community health services and maximise our use of technology.
- Over the next two years we will: work to embed co-production in everything we do; ensuring the users of our services are involved in decision-making and the delivery of services and ensure our estate is child friendly and accessible
- Over the next five years we will work with our stakeholders to meet challenges and deliver services aligned to the NHS Long Term plan.
Central Bedfordshire College
Central Bedfordshire College is committed to supporting and improving the life chances of the young people and the adult communities of Luton. As the single largest educational exporter of Lutons Young people, we pride ourselves on our ability to support the local skills needs and to develop a curriculum in line with the economic development of the area. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- continuing to grow our provision across the town to meet the needs of the communities we serve; raising aspiration and enabling progression into work
- creating educational programmes for young people that develop the full range of personal, social and employability skills, ensuring that people are ready for work and/ or for further study
- continue to prioritise the development of targeted skills development opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented groups across Luton
- involving the communities in Luton in further developing an educational forum that helps raise aspirations and removes barriers
- working with partners to support our community in improving their mental and physical wellbeing and aligning this to the further development of tools and strategies for building resilience
Chiltern Learning Trust
Chiltern Learning Trust is committed to working in partnership to improve the life chances of the Luton community. We will work with partners to ensure the successful delivery of the Luton 2040 vision by:
- continuing to improve standards of education across our primary and secondary schools in Luton
- supporting teacher development to ensure schools in the wider community are able to provide the best life chances for students within our community
- support students with their post 16 choices by providing a class-leading careers service to help signpost to the best offers available
- support our parents, careers and wider stakeholders to build a more inclusive economy
- continue to support community action projects to help develop local spaces to build local pride, support community cohesion and promote fairness.
Citizens Advice Luton
Citizens Advice Luton is committed to providing advice, support and training to the citizens of Luton. We will work with our partners, staff, volunteers and clients to deliver the Luton 2040 vision around the five priorities by:
- increasing our volunteer numbers and providing comprehensive training and support giving volunteers the knowledge and experience they need to gain local employment
- expand our advice service provision to provide a comprehensive support framework for clients suffering with mental health leading to improved wellbeing
- work with National Citizens Advice on their Net Zero Strategy providing impactful local research data to effect policy change
- advocate for more financial support for those on low incomes to help mitigate the worst of the cost of living crisis - providing much needed support to families in need
- promote fairness and community cohesion through our Equity Diversity and Inclusion work improving inclusive access and advice
Clearhead Media
Our business is committed to delivering a more inclusive economy and a more sustainable town. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- signing up to Lutons good business charter and paying all our workers the real living wage
- providing leadership and education on the climate agenda in schools, workplaces and communities
- increasing our local procurement spend to ensure more money remains within Luton
- reducing our carbon emissions to become a net-zero organisation by 2040 reducing waste and recycling more through our organisation and our supply chains
- delivering employment and skills provision for young people through schemes like Passport to Employment, apprenticeships and work experience
- giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- supporting the work of Lutons Fairness Taskforce to tackle inequalities in Luton
- taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
ELFT is committed to working with our partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision to improve the health and wellbeing of our population. We will achieve this by:
- Ensuring children and young people have a voice in shaping their services, opportunities and the future of the town.
- Delivering co produced, accessible and responsive services that improve physical and mental wellbeing and reduce inequalities in access to care.
- Support service users, carers and the communities we serve to develop skills, access meaningful activity, good quality employment and achieve a healthy standard of living.
- Contribute to the creation of healthy and sustainable places, including taking action on climate change
Fusion Healthcare
At Fusion Healthcare we are dedicated to providing high quality and affordable private medical services to the Luton population and surrounding towns, as well as supporting the local community and protecting the environment. We promote fairness, inclusivity, and the cohesion of the local community. We will work with community to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by focusing on the following criteria:
- Providing inclusive healthcare services
- Providing a wide range of services to cater to the community
- Providing a range of affordable services
- Ensuring services are available and open to all
- Provide flexible appointments and services to cater to those with other responsibilities
- Become a net zero company and tackle the climate emergency
- Reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and offsetting those to become a net-zero organisation
- Maintaining and improving our waste reduction plans
- Improving the efficiency of the buildings and equipment, reducing energy consumption.
- Benefit the local economy
- Create and fill job roles within the company for local residents
- Ensure fair hours, wages, and employment for all employees
- Support more flexible working hours and increase access to work for people with other responsible, i.e. caring responsibilities
- Deliver training and progression opportunities for all staff
GoodGym Luton's mission is to get people physically active within their community, so they can have an active lifestyle, while helping local organisations and community based projects. Working with partners and members we will contribute to the Luton 2040 vision by:
- taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being ambassadors for the town
- providing constant zero-cost opportunities to increase physical activity and improve mental wellbeing
- increasing opportunities for volunteering and participation
- providing a safe space for everyone to improve their physical fitness
- promoting active travel by the use of walking/cycling infrastructure
- greening the town through tree planting and actions to improve air quality and biodiversity
- increasing social connectedness in communities, especially isolated older people
- supporting community organisations that aim to relieve food poverty
Healthwatch Luton
Healthwatch Luton is committed to improving the wellbeing of the Luton population, as well as supporting children and young people to thrive, protecting the environment and promoting fairness, community cohesion and local pride. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- building a more inclusive economy including
- signing up to the Good Business Charter; and being measured on progress
- continuing to be a real living wage employer and ensuring fair hours and employment; as per current payment conditions
- continuing to support more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities, including volunteering; as per our volunteering policy and flexible working model and policy
- improving wellbeing and tackle inequalities
- implementing workplace health and wellbeing plans; such as partnering with TOTAL wellbeing on our wellbeing programme
- employee assistance programmes and support with debt / housing / financial etc; such as offering personal HR advice
- delivering a service that supports health and wellbeing and community safety; such as through our communications and support on community events and programmes
- Iicreasing social connectedness and community such as being stationed at Futures House Marsh Farm
- supporting protecting the environment
- by implementing sustainable travel plans; volunteering policy and staff travel
- Iiplementing waste reduction; continuing to be paper free service
- supporting children and young people to thrive
- supporting and delivering services that keep young people safe and secure
- providing mentoring, work experience and targeted support for disadvantaged children; as per Uni of Bedfordshire partnership
- providing mentoring, work experience and targeted support for disadvantaged children; as per Uni of Bedfordshire partnership
- supporting employment skills for young people in Luton; such as Volunteering policy and Uni of Beds partnership
- giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and future of the town; such as our YP vaccine hesitancy programme, or LGBQTIA focus promoting fairness, community cohesion and local pride
- implementing workplace policies to promote EDI; such as our EDI programme with HWE and EDI Action learning for CEOs (completed)
- delivering accessibility for all; as per organising fully accessible events and programmes
- supporting the work of Lutons Fairness Taskforce to tackle health inequalities; as per meeting attendance, conference support and promotions
- developing links with the VCS sector; such as our work on Safeguarding Sub Group; Community work on Denny Engagement; Kooth Service supporting; Keech support
- giving residents a voice in shaping services, opportunities and future of the town; as per our statutory obligations and ensuring these reports are shared widely to be used
- being ambassador for the town; community business woman of the year (2019), Award winning HWL (2019/20);
- treating all suppliers fairly and acting with integrity
Hightown Housing
Hightown Housing Association is committed to the delivery of affordable homes and good housing services which support people to thrive. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- building 400 new affordable homes in Luton between 2024 and 2040
- supporting our tenants through good quality housing and housing services, and connection to other relevant services
- contributing to high quality neighbourhoods and regeneration
HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire
The Lord-Lieutenant and the Bedfordshire Lieutenancy are wholly committed to supporting ‘The Luton 2040 Pledge’. We will continue to foster cohesion and celebrate Luton‘s culture, diversity and heritage. Bedfordshire Lieutenancy will support and shine a light on those individuals and groups that commit themselves to delivering a stronger community; one that is happier, healthier and more environmentally friendly. Further, we will:
- Serve our communities by encouraging engagement, championing voluntary service and highlighting achievement and opportunities across all groups and sectors
- Bring greater knowledge of the award system to Luton to enable individuals and businesses to be recognised for their achievements
- Encourage a culture of civic pride within the town
Keech Hospice
Keech Hospice is committed to making a difference to the community in Luton, by delivering our core mission to provide excellent care and support to those with life-limiting conditions and those affected by death and dying, while also playing our part in the Luton 2040 vision so that our whole town can thrive. We plan to do this by:
- Playing a leading role in providing excellent care and support, continuing to do so in our own practice and increasingly leading through research, innovation and shared learning to help strengthen care across the community. Helping to build a more inclusive community through the offer of equitable services.
- Helping to build a more inclusive economy through employment, volunteering and training opportunities for local people, contributing to collaborative research and innovation with local education partners. Maintaining and enhancing our role as leading providers of education, innovation and knowledge for professionals practicing in the field of palliative care, sharing best practice with our peers on a national scale.
- Making sure children and young people's unique needs are met by continually embedding their voices in shaping our services.
- Continuously adapting our services to meet the needs of the diverse communities we serve, and ensuring they are accessible for all. Through careful listening, and forming new collaborations and nurturing existing ones, we intend to make sure everyone in our community knows we are here for them should they need us.
- Reducing our emissions, minimising our waste and optimising our efficiency to work towards becoming a Net Zero organisation.
- We will ensure, through the delivery of our service and effective communications, that every single person in our community knows that, for as long as we are here, no one need die alone.
London Luton Airport Operations Ltd
London Luton Airport Operations Ltd is committed to providing an excellent airport that contributes towards Luton becoming a healthy, fair and sustainable town where everyone can thrive. To achieve this we pledge to work with partners across Luton to:
- build an inclusive economy by becoming a real living wage employer and supporting employment and skills opportunities and flexible working
- achieve our aim of Net-Zero emissions by 2040 for airport operations by improving the energy efficiency of buildings, systems and equipment, moving to renewable energy sources across our operations, enabling more sustainable travel to and from the airport, and by transitioning to a circular economy with reduced waste and increased recycling
- develop a supply chain charter that increases local spend, social value and sustainability, as well as fairness and transparency in procurement, to help build a more prosperous and sustainable local economy
- supporting employee wellbeing by implementing policies, training and support for healthy eating; active workplaces and commuting; mental health; employee assistance programmes; and by providing a suite of workplace benefits to support wellbeing, including private medical insurance and gym facilities
- promote aspiration and opportunities for our children and young people through the LLA Get Into Airports work experience programme and our World of Work airport visits to local schools, as well as partnering with the University of Bedfordshire, local schools and colleges and the Enterprise Advisory network to provide communication skills training
- play our part in tackling inequality and ensuring fairness, by implementing diversity and inclusion in our workplace, being a disability confident employer, and by participating regularly in Lutons Fairness Taskforce
- giving residents a voice through quarterly community surgery groups and the airport consultative committee
- support our community by investing in the LLA community Trust Fund, to help tackle poverty and strengthen skills and wellbeing, as well as actively encouraging employees and partners to raise funds for our charity partners with match funding and giving our people paid leave to undertake volunteering opportunities
- If your organisation would like to sign up and make its own Luton 2040 pledge, the toolkit can be found by clicking on this link. If you need further information and support please e-mail
Luton BID
Luton BID works with local organisations including Luton Council and Bedfordshire Police to support and enhance the promotion, environment, experience, growth and investment of businesses in Luton Town Centre. Luton BID are proud supporters of Luton 2040 and its core priorities. We support these through:
- organisation and strategic support for the masterplan delivery plan - including the further development of the high street and other town centre districts to build a more inclusive economy
- promoting Luton as a great place to work and live
- representing local businesses with organisations like the police and local government
- the local environment and cleanliness of Luton
- financial support of the Street Cleansing team
- monthly tidy sessions
- promoting increased footfall and spend for the businesses in Luton town centre
- funding and supporting the council and police to keep Luton safe for all businesses, employees and consumers
- funding and support of local events to promote local pride and community cohesion
Luton Creative community
Luton Creative community is committed to delivering a more inclusive economy and a more sustainable town. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by Signing up to Lutons good business charter and where and when appropriate paying all our workers the Real Living wage Increasing our local procurement spend to ensure more money remains within Luton Reducing our carbon emissions to become a net-zero organisation by 2040 Reducing waste and recycling more through our organisation and our supply chains
- Signing up to the Good Business Charter
- Increasing local spend as well as generating social value and ensuring ethical and sustainable sourcing through procurement and supply chains
- Increase awareness of the towns new place brand Step Forward Luton
- Increasing social connectedness in workplaces and communities
- Improving efficiency of buildings and equipment, reducing energy consumption and transfer to renewable energy
- Implementing waste reduction plans
- Delivering an accessibility for all approach and being a disability confident employer
Luton Foodbank
We pledge to continue supporting families and individuals facing food poverty. We will continue to provide vital information and advice to our clients, empowering them to overcome their crisis situations. Additionally, we will deliver workshops with partners for the community, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to navigate challenging circumstances. We are dedicated to working with young people, teaching essential life skills to help them thrive in today's ever-changing world. Together, we will make a difference and create a stronger, more resilient community.
- Signing up to the Good Business Charter
- Becoming a real living wage employer and ensuring fair hours and employment
- Supporting more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities
- Delivering employment and skills progression opportunities for employees at all levels and formally signing up to the commitments within the Luton Employment and Skills Strategy
- Increasing local spend as well as generating social value and ensuring ethical and sustainable sourcing through procurement and supply chains
- Increase awareness of the towns new place brand Step Forward Luton
- Delivering services that keep young people safe and secure
- Promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- Giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- Luton Foodbank will ensure * NO ONE GOES HUNGRY IN OUR TOWN *
Luton Irish Forum
Our organisation is committed to providing social, welfare, cultural, skills and volunteering opportunities for all including disadvantaged and under-represented groups. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- giving people a strong voice and a role in shaping our services and opportunities
- increasing social connectedness and promoting better physical and mental wellbeing
- encouraging people to become active citizens, that take pride in their community and contribute to the sustainability of our town
- adopting an accessibility for all approach and becoming a disability confident employer
- signing up to the Good Business Charter
- becoming a real living wage employer and ensuring fair hours and employment
- supporting more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities
- delivering services that support quality homes, education, health and wellbeing or community safety
- increasing social connectedness in workplaces and communities
- improving efficiency of buildings and equipment, reducing energy consumption and transfer to renewable energy
- implementing waste reduction plans
- achieving a carbon literate organisation accreditation
- providing leadership and education on the climate agenda in our community
- support the development of skills to assist with the delivery of Net Zero plans
- supporting employment and skills for young people through schemes like Passport to Employment, apprenticeships and work experience
- promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- implementing workplace policies to promote diversity and inclusion, including reporting and monitoring on pay gaps
- delivering an accessibility for all approach and being a disability confident employer
- supporting the work of Lutons Fairness Taskforce to tackle inequalities in Luton
- giving all residents/employees/customers a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
- treating all customers, staff and suppliers fairly and acting with integrity at all times, including fairness in payments for services and taxation
- increasing opportunities for volunteering and participation
- support the aspiration of Luton becoming a disability friendly town
Luton Sexual Health
Luton Sexual Health (LSH) is firmly committed to delivering an inclusive, comprehensive and responsive sexual and contraceptive health service to Lutons diverse population. We fully support the aim and ambition for Luton to become a healthy, fair and sustainable town, where everyone can thrive by 2040. LSH will collaborate even more productively with clients, staff, partners and the local population to contribute to the realisation of the Luton 2040 vision by:
- employing and investing in the development of a local team of Staff and Volunteers that reflects the diversity of Lutons community, promoting equality and access for all
- paying all our staff a living wage to provide them with greater economic security and stability
- educating, upskilling and developing our clients and staff, enabling them aspire to and achieve their individual potential
- enabling local people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds to change behaviours and make more beneficial decisions around their relationships and sexual health, so they can enjoy more positive sexual health, well-being and outcomes at all stages of life
- tackling inequality through specialised outreach activity that engages with and provides inclusive sexual health support to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged in our local population, enabling them to overcome barriers, participate more fully and thrive as part of Lutons community
- holistically making every contact count through providing wider preventive health interventions with our clients, to improve mental health, social care and general health outcomes overall
- reducing our carbon emissions, minimising waste/recycling more and working towards net zero to support Lutons environmental sustainability and the health of our local population
Luton Sixth Form College
As the oldest sixth form college in the country we are committed to improving the life chances of our young people and the wider community. To show this commitment, we will do everything in our power to ensure that the future Prime Minister of this great country is an alumni of Luton Sixth Form College and/or from our great town of Luton its only impossible until its done. We love what we do and we will continue to be the first choice for our remarkable young people, families and partners to deliver the Luton 2040 vision. When we have successfully helped deliver the Luton 2040 vision, we will be an even greater institution and town that is seen as one of the best places to study and live in the UK. Together we are always stronger.
- We will build upon our strengths by ensuring the highest academic standards, an excellent student experience, responsible management and ensuring that equality, diversity and inclusion is at the forefront of our strategic thinking, leaving a strong legacy for future generations.
- We will support our young people to find a course that they love and invest in a specialist team of professionals to help advise every young person and their families in choosing from the widest range of A levels and BTECs in the county.
- We will empower our students so that by the time they leave us, they are the creative, confident, responsible and active leaders of tomorrow.
Luton Youth Council
As elected young people representing our peers, as a youth council, we pledge to ensure that young people are part of all conversations around the 2040 vision. We engage with other organisations to promote key aspects of the 2040 vision, as well as promoting Luton becoming a UNICEF Child Friendly Town.
- Supporting more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities
- Implementing healthy food plans and practices
- Support the development of skills to assist with the delivery of Net Zero plans
- Providing leadership and education on the climate agenda in schools, workplaces and communities
- Delivering services that keep young people safe and secure
- Providing mentoring, work experience and targeted support for looked after children, children with disabilities, care leavers and disadvantaged children and young people
- Promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- Giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- Supporting the work of Lutons Fairness Taskforce to tackle inequalities in Luton
- Taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
- Support the aspiration of Luton becoming a disability friendly town town
Mary Seacole Housing Association
Mary Seacole Housing Association is committed to working with people facing multiple disadvantages, providing opportunities and skills that enable them to achieve their goals and aspirations. We'll work with partners and the community to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- increasing social connections, promoting better physical and mental wellbeing for people who access our services
- encouraging coproduction, motivating individuals to take pride in their community and contribute to the sustainability of our town
- giving young people a platform to share their voices, creating genuine dialogue between the people who use services and the people who deliver them
- delivering skills in volunteering and job readiness programmes to raise aspirations and brokering opportunities for transition into work
- offering employee assistance programmes whilst ensuring our staff are paid the real living wage
Founded in Luton, NOAH is a charity that helps people experiencing homelessness, extreme poverty, and other disadvantages to make positive changes in their lives. NOAH fully embrace the Luton 2040 vision, and will do our part in several ways.
- Help to build a more inclusive economy, by providing training, careers advice, job search, and interview preparation for people who experience disadvantage
- Improve wellbeing and tackle inequalities, by enabling people facing destitution to access mental and physical health support, addiction services, food, clothing, and other essential items
- Support children and young people to thrive, by introducing tailored training and employment services for young people
- Promote fairness, community cohesion and local pride, by working together with other community leaders to amplify the voices of people who are socially excluded to decision-makers and the wider community
Peace Child International
Peace Child Internationals mission is to empower young people to be the change they want to see in the world. The name, 'peace child', comes from our musical play that starts and ends in the future peaceful, sustainable world that Vision 2040 imagines. In flashback, it tells the story of what todays children do with their working lives to bring about that world. So, we pledge to:
- be ambassadors for Lutons 2040 Vision and improve perceptions of Luton worldwide by promoting the Luton 2040 Vision to UN and INGOs
- organise the annual Luton Youth Sustainability Action Forum which provides oracy training and a chance for students to tackle local sustainability and climate change issues The forum inspires a variety of youth-led Sustainability initiatives which typically involve school journey planning, tree-planting, litter and waste management etc.
- deliver our Work the Change programme to train and mentor peer educators to build employability skills for Lutons teenagers
- offer opportunities to young people to take their first steps on a world stage through enabling them to attend meetings at the UN and other international forums
- bring back to Lutons 2040 team ideas and initiatives from other parts of the world to enrich and diversify the vision
Reactiv8 The Nation Limited
Reactiv8 is committed to delivering a more inclusive economy and a more sustainable town. We will work with partners and residents to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision by:
- Delivering services that support quality homes, education, health and wellbeing or community safety
- Implementing workplace health and wellbeing plans and employing mental health first aiders
- Support the development of skills to assist with the delivery of Net Zero plans
- Delivering services that keep young people safe and secure
- Providing mentoring, work experience and targeted support for looked after children, children with disabilities, care leavers and disadvantaged children and young people
- Promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- Supporting the work of Luton’s Fairness Taskforce to tackle inequalities in Luton
- Providing targeted skills and employment opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented groups
- Treating all customers, staff and suppliers fairly and acting with integrity at all times, including fairness in payments for services and taxation
Ryebridge Construction
Ryebridge Construction is a family run firm which recognises and celebrates the proud history, cultural diversity and huge potential that exists within our hometown and surrounding area, and we are committed to Luton becoming a healthy, fair and sustainable town offering opportunities for everyone to thrive, where nobody has to live in poverty. In order to achieve the 2040 vision we pledge to work with our partners, stakeholders and communities across Luton by:
- drawing on a local pool of talent, ensuring more than 90% of our site and office staff come from the immediate area, supporting flexible working arrangements while going further than the government minimum as a Living Wage accredited organisation, and using a local supply chain to support companies within the Luton area
- taking a leading role in the Luton Development Forum, which brings together various specialists with a common goal of regenerating and rejuvenating the town, putting the mental and physical wellbeing of our staff at the heart of our business through the employment of mental health first aiders, and encouraging active commuting for staff
- promoting our carbon neutral strategy across all aspects of the business, including the use of low emission machinery, migration to an electrical fleet and solar powered welfare cabins, avoiding the need for polluting generators and ensuring power to all appliances, hot water and air conditioning as required
- encouraging the development of young people through our work experience and apprenticeship programme in conjunction with local schools and colleges
- maintaining an ongoing commitment to enriching the lives of people living and working locally, including being an active member of Love Luton and sponsoring Luton Town FC, and supporting local charities including Keech Hospice, Level Trust, Luton Food Bank and Age Concern Luton - recognising they are the lifeblood of the local community - in a bid to improve wellbeing and address inequalities within Luton society
SIG Penrose
Our vision - A transparent caring world in which people have equity of access to a good home, health care, social support, and employment. Our mission is to empower people by building powerful partnerships and creative solutions that bridge gaps in provision and aid recovery, reablement and resettlement.
- Delivering the highest standards of care and support to the residents of Luton who access our services
- We will work in ambitious, empowering, inclusive, creative and solutions focused ways to improve population wellbeing
- We will support Systems Change to stop the inequity of access for people in health, social care, employment, and housing, by building partnerships and influencing policymakers to break down barriers and bridge gaps in provision
- Decrease carbon footprint and increase environmental positive impact
- Increase involvement of those needing our services, including carers, volunteers and peer mentors
South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP)
South east Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership (SEMLEP) is committed to improving the wellbeing of our population, as well as improving fairness and opportunities for all. We will work with partners to deliver on the Luton 2040 vision through supporting employment and skills using employer driven labour market information derived from data analysis, research and consultation with employers, sector bodies and educators to:
- inform, inspire and raise aspirations of the talent pipeline, both within education and outside of work
- remove discrepancies between the skills and attainment needed by employers and those held by individuals
- enable people into employment and those within employment to progress
- deliver through employer led engagement, best practice and innovation
- align provision, facilities and activity with employer needs
- facilitate and simplify engagement for all
The Culture Trust, Luton
The Culture Trust is committed towards building a more inclusive economy and working with partners, stakeholders and communities to deliver Luton 2040 priorities by:
- tackling inequality by widening access to culture through free-to-enter museums and heritage sites and by providing free and subsidised activities
- improving the quality of living in Luton by presenting inspiring and diverse live music, theatre, comedy, dance and outdoor arts
- providing opportunities for children and young people through workshops, start-up space, networking, bursaries and jobs
- supporting job growth, skills development and creative start-ups growing a vibrant and thriving creative industry cluster in the heart of Luton
- promoting fairness through our charity by supporting local suppliers, signing up to the Good Business Charter and ensuring we pay the Real Living Wage
The Feast
We are committed to creating spaces where teenagers from different faiths and cultures can meet and engage positively with one another.
- Increasing social connectedness in workplaces and communities
- Delivering services that keep young people safe and secure
- Promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- Giving children and young people a voice in shaping services, opportunities and the future of the town
- Implementing workplace policies to promote diversity and inclusion, including reporting and monitoring on pay gaps
- Taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
- We commit to continue to work towards a community that appreciates each other, despite differences; that lives well with each other despite differences; and that is prepared to work together for the good of our town, despite our differences
The Mall
The Mall is at the heart of Luton and is committed to supporting the delivery of the Luton 2040 vision, by helping to build an inclusive economy, a thriving town centre and playing a key role in the community. We plan to do this by:
- Being central to shaping a thriving town centre, supporting local regeneration projects and working closely with all partners to deliver town centre improvements and activation. We were involved in the development of the town centre masterplan and continue to play a key role on the town centre strategic board.
- Investment to enhance the retail offer and bring new brands to the town to ensure the provision of a thriving retail hub for the town.
- Contributing to an inclusive economy by supporting our town centre businesses and providing good, well-paid job opportunities.
- Helping to create a child and family friendly town by listening to the voice of young people and ensuring our offer reflects the needs and wants of young people.
- Supporting a fairer town, where the most vulnerable are supported, through our work with local charities such as Level Trust and Luton Foodbank.
- Continued support of core charity partners that have a presence in the centre and whose services make a difference to the lives of our local community, such as The Mall Nursery and Creche and Luton Shopmobility.
- Following the towns roadmap to Net Zero and engaging with opportunities to reduce emissions across our buildings as well as working with local businesses to reduce their waste and emissions. We will continue to implement sustainable systems and practices, for example in 2021 we introduced beehives and a pollinator garden on the roof of the shopping centre and we are currently working on the completion of full LED lighting throughout the common areas of the scheme. We will continue to explore other sustainability opportunities such as the use of solar power to reduce our utility consumption.
- Continue to celebrate the diversity of the town by holding and supporting events for a wide range of cultures including the Big Iftar, Eid, Luton Carnival, St Patricks Day, Easter, Diwali, Black History Month, East Fest and Christmas.
- Continue to work with local charities to support and promote mental wellbeing including the Samaritans and Mind BLMK.
- Drive forward initiatives to improve accessibility in the centre. We currently run a weekly quiet hour and add quiet sessions to our events to ensure they are accessible for all. In 2024 we are looking to launch monthly dementia coffee mornings in association with our local Alzheimers Society branch.
- As an integral part of the local community, were committed to supporting community living and we do this in a number of ways. From the Community Hub located in the centre providing easy access to a variety of NHS services, to working with local schools, the Council, Luton BID and organisations like Love Luton
- Enhancing wellbeing opportunities in the town by providing facilities for and promoting healthcare services.
The Shared Learning Trust
The Shared Learning Trust is committed to improving the life chances of young people and making Luton a place to thrive. We will work with all our stakeholders to support and secure the delivery of the Luton 2040 vision by:
- tackling inequality through opportunity; delivering high-quality education for all young people, including those with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), in each of our schools
- preparing our students for the world of work, creating programmes of study that include a full range of employability skills, through our community cluster boards, we will continue to foster excellent relationships with Lutons business community
- ensuring our young people aim high with integrity, matched by excellent educational attainment; they will develop a strong sense of self-belief as summed up in our strapline, strive, achieve, believe!
- working with Lutons services and charities, creating opportunities for the wider community to benefit from our expertise and facilities e.g. delivery of ESOL classes
At TUI, our commitment to delivering Excellence in Leisure Experiences is driven by the dedication of our amazing colleagues, including over 2,600 people employed in Luton who help bring customer travel experiences to life. Building on this foundation, we are focused on fostering a more inclusive economy, creating a sustainable town, and promoting wellbeing, fairness, and equitable opportunities for all. Together, we will work to support the Luton 2040 vision by:
- Inclusive Economy: Ensuring fair hours and employment and that our colleagues are paid a fair wage, with remuneration packages that are in line with the real living wage
- Inclusive Economy: Supporting more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities
- Inclusive Economy: Delivering employment and skills progression opportunities for employees at all levels
- Wellbeing: Ensuring all colleagues feel supported and cared for, with access to resources designed to boost wellbeing and Live Happy
- Wellbeing: Supporting employees by providing a suite of workplace benefits to support Physical, Mind, Social and Financial wellbeing
- Empowered Community – built on fairness: Providing workplace policies to promote diversity, equity and inclusion, including reporting and monitoring on pay gaps
- Empowered Community – built on fairness: Delivering an accessibility for all approach, being a disability confident employer and supporting the aspiration of Luton becoming a disability friendly town
- Empowered Community – built on fairness: Providing targeted skills and employment opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented groups
- Empowered Community – built on fairness: Providing volunteering opportunities
- Empowered Community – built on fairness: Treating all staff, customers and suppliers fairly and always acting with integrity
- Child Friendly Town: Supporting employment and skills for young people through schemes like apprenticeships and work experience
- Net Zero: Achieve net-zero emissions across our operations and supply chain by 2050 at the latest
University of Bedfordshire
University of Bedfordshire We are proud to show our commitment to the Luton 2040 pledge and are committed to working to transform the town of Luton. We have confirmed our commitment in our own strategy but also through a formal civic agreement with Luton Council built around the shared Luton 2040 Vision. This agreement brings strategic alignment to the roles of the university and the council in the transformation of Luton and details how we will use the power of our research, education and enterprise to shift long-standing societal problems in the town. We pledge we will:
- address skills shortages across the private and public sectors, to shape and attract a diverse and dynamic talent pipeline
- lead by example and encourage other anchor institutions in the Luton area to adapt and respond to the green agenda, to practice ethical procurement, and to focus on social value to realise Luton's transition to net-zero
- develop stronger structures for knowledge exchange and knowledge utilisation in health and social research, so that the cutting edge research in health by the university is not underused and can better inform and shape council services and local NHS training and practice
- undertake locally relevant research to support the evidence-based development of crucial social, health, well-being and cultural interventions
- contribute to a different story for Luton, to amplify the messages of the shared town-wide Luton 2040 Vision and the ambitious goals and extensive impact of the university through working inclusively with local communities in Luton
Wildlife Trust BCN
The Wildlife Trust BCN were awarded funding to raise awareness of the beautiful landscape in North Luton in 2021. We have worked to provide educational opportunities for communities, schools and partners around this landscape and nature in general. Our work has developed to reach more people across other parts of the town and we hope that engaging people with such beautiful green spaces will encourage them to help look after them, to take pride in their town and also to improve well-being.
- Supporting more flexible working and increasing access to work for families and those with caring responsibilities
- Delivering services that support quality homes, education, health and wellbeing or community safety
- Increasing social connectedness in workplaces and communities
- Greening the town or workplaces, tree planting and actions to improve air quality
- Supporting employment and skills for young people through schemes like Passport to Employment, apprenticeships and work experience
- Promoting aspiration and achievement for children and young people
- Providing targeted skills and employment opportunities for disadvantaged and under-represented groups
- Developing links with the voluntary and community sector to promote volunteering and provide funding or in-kind support to the VCS, such as discounts for venue hire, legal and financial services and mentoring
- Taking pride in the community, improving perceptions of Luton and being an ambassador for the town
- Increasing opportunities for volunteering and participation
- To raise awareness of the rare and beautiful landscapes found in and around Luton and to foster more pride in the town
- To provide green space engagement activities that provide training opportunities and new skills for different audiences
- To deliver nature based activities that help to improve well-being