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A field of white flowers with a view of a city.


We are delighted to present our updated vision for Luton 2040. This is a bold vision for Luton to be a healthy, fair and sustainable town where everyone can thrive and no-one has to live in poverty.

A blue png file with a black background.

Luton 2040 Priorities

The vision is built around five priorities, each of which contributes to achieving our overall vision for the town:

A group of people walking down a street.

Inclusive economy

Building an inclusive economy that delivers investment to support the growth of businesses, jobs and incomes.

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Two people walking in front of the Luton Hoo Memorial Park water tower.

Improving wellbeing

Improving population wellbeing and tackling health inequalities to enable everyone to have a good quality of life and reach their full potential.

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A woman reads a book to a group of children in a library.

Child friendly town

Becoming a child friendly town, where our children grow up happy, healthy and secure, with a voice that matters and the opportunities they need to thrive.

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A dirt path in a wooded area.

Net zero town

Tackling the climate emergency and becoming a net zero town with sustainable growth and a healthier environment.

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A man with dreadlocks smiling in a park.

Empowered community

Supporting a strong and empowered community, built on fairness, local pride and a powerful voice for all our residents.

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We know that poverty and inequality cuts across outcomes for our residents in education, health and employment, which is why creating a town free of poverty is at the heart of our vision. We also know that poverty is a complex problem with no one simple solution. So while at the heart of tackling poverty is our ambition for Luton to be a town built on fairness, a place that gives equitable opportunities to all, our vision also highlights the importance of inclusive economic growth, environmental sustainability, becoming a child friendly town, and our population wellbeing strategy.

To view our outcomes wheel, showing our resident-centred 2040 outcomes, click here.