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A man with dreadlocks smiling in a park.

Empowered Community

Supporting a strong and empowered community, built on fairness, local pride and a powerful voice for all our residents.

Supporting a strong and empowered community

Our community is at the heart of our vision for Luton 2040. Our vision is for a town that is built on fairness and social justice, with a strong voluntary and community sector that supports the resilience of our most vulnerable residents. Within this priority, we also want to ensure that our residents continue to have a strong sense of civic pride, social responsibility and a powerful voice to shape the future of our town. Luton benefits from having an incredibly strong and cohesive community, including a super-diverse range of people and cultures, a highly dedicated collection of voluntary sector organisations and community groups delivering vital services, and a passionate society with thousands of residents that play their part in making Luton a better place every day. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, all parts of our community came together to support one another, delivering food and emergency supplies to the most vulnerable, supporting the rollout of vaccines and playing their part in Luton’s recovery. The strength of our informal communities is demonstrated by our latest residents’ perception survey, in which 84% of residents said that their neighbourhoods were good places to live. This priority will continue to build on our innovative Fairness Taskforce model, which brings together representatives from across our community to tackle inequality and structural barriers to achieve more equitable outcomes for everyone in our town. This approach is also working to address financial insecurity faced by our most vulnerable and deprived residents and those most impacted by the cost of living crisis.

Target outcomes

  • A town built on fairness with equitable outcomes for all our residents.
  • Increased resilience across our community protecting and enabling the most excluded and vulnerable.
  • A thriving voluntary and community sector delivering on shared priorities with our residents.
  • A stronger and meaningful voice for all our residents to shape the vision and direction of our town.
  • A welcoming and compassionate town, with respect, social responsibility and increased civic pride at its heart.

Major developments we will see by 2028

  • Creating and delivering a new Fairness and Social Justice Strategy in partnership with our Community
  • New approaches to civic involvement such as citizens’ assemblies that increase resident satisfaction and influence over their neighbourhoods and towns
  • Place-based community networks and hubs, increasing access to services and support where they are most needed
  • Town-wide programmes for our community such as Food First, City of Sanctuary, and Warm Spaces
  • The Fairness Taskforce delivering citizen led solutions to increase equity and social inclusion in Luton
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A dirt path in a wooded area.

Net zero town

Tackling the climate emergency and becoming a net zero town with sustainable growth and a healthier environment.

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A woman reads a book to a group of children in a library.

Child friendly town

Becoming a child friendly town, where our children grow up happy, healthy and secure, with a voice that matters and the opportunities they need to thrive.

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Two people walking in front of the Luton Hoo Memorial Park water tower.

Improving wellbeing

Improving population wellbeing and tackling health inequalities to enable everyone to have a good quality of life and reach their full potential.

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A group of people walking down a street.

Inclusive economy

Building an inclusive economy that delivers investment to support the growth of businesses, jobs and incomes.

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