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A dirt path in a wooded area.

Net Zero Town

Tackling the climate emergency and becoming a net zero town with sustainable growth and a healthier environment.

Tackling the climate emergency and becoming a net zero town

Sustainability is at the heart of our long-term vision for Luton. Together, we recognise the importance of the climate emergency and the threat this poses to our local environment and our planet as a whole. Protecting the longterm future of the planet and the resources it provides is essential to maintaining growth and protecting the long-term security of our residents and preventing poverty. Enhancing our natural environment is also central to improving the physical and mental wellbeing of our residents as well as fostering a strong sense of local pride and cohesion throughout our community.

Luton was among the first local authorities to respond to the climate emergency by committing to becoming a net zero town by 2040. This ambition meets the global challenge set by the Paris agreement to aim to limit global average temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, and goes further than the current UK government’s commitment to reach net zero by 2050. Luton’s current emissions profile is estimated to be around 790 ktCO₂e (the equivalent of 790 kilotons of carbon emissions) per year. Approximately 39% of Luton’s emissions comes from households, followed by 29% from industry and 23% emitted on the road.

The primary aim of this priority is to reduce the overall emissions of our town as a whole to meet our net zero aim by 2040. This will include reducing the emissions of carbon and other greenhouse gases from businesses, organisations and households across our town by shifting to renewable energy sources over time and by reducing waste and consumption of non-renewables. Reaching netzero can ultimately be achieved in three ways, through carbon reduction, carbon capture and offsetting of emissions.

Target outcomes

  • Reduced net carbon emissions from businesses, organisations and households.
  • A greener transport network, with a reduction in car usage and an increase in walking, cycling and sustainable public transport usage.
  • The most sustainable airport in the UK.
  • Enhanced greenspace and richer biodiversity that offset emissions and enriches our local environment.
  • Improved air quality across our town to support better health outcomes.

Major developments we will see by 2028

  • A clear reduction in the carbon emissions of the town as a whole
  • All new council homes to be built to Energy Performance rating B or above
  • Introduction of a new park and ride service
  • The launch of a new Community Carbon Offset Fund
  • Additional 1 hectare of trees planted and increased rewilding of the town
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A man with dreadlocks smiling in a park.

Empowered community

Supporting a strong and empowered community, built on fairness, local pride and a powerful voice for all our residents.

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A woman reads a book to a group of children in a library.

Child friendly town

Becoming a child friendly town, where our children grow up happy, healthy and secure, with a voice that matters and the opportunities they need to thrive.

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Two people walking in front of the Luton Hoo Memorial Park water tower.

Improving wellbeing

Improving population wellbeing and tackling health inequalities to enable everyone to have a good quality of life and reach their full potential.

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A group of people walking down a street.

Inclusive economy

Building an inclusive economy that delivers investment to support the growth of businesses, jobs and incomes.

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