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Two people walking in front of the Luton Hoo Memorial Park water tower.

Improving Wellbeing

Improving population wellbeing and tackling health inequalities to enable everyone to have a good quality of life and reach their full potential.

Improving population wellbeing

Supporting the wellbeing of our population is vital to ensuring that all residents are able to work, study and maximise the opportunities available to enjoy a good standard of living. This priority aligns to our commitment to be a Marmot Town, building on the recommendations of Professor Sir Michael Marmot and the Institute of Health Equity in their report, Reducing Health Inequalities in Luton: A Marmot Town. At the heart of this challenge is significant inequality in overall health outcomes that are preventing many in our town from reaching their full potential and having a good quality of life.

Life expectancy in Luton for both males and females is lower than the national and regional averages, with stark inequalities in different parts of the town. Women in our most deprived wards can expect to live almost seven years shorter lives than women from our least deprived areas; for men this gap is just over five years. The Covid-19 pandemic further highlighted and exacerbated many of these health challenges as well as widening inequalities around wider determinants of health such as education, housing and employment. Despite this our Population Wellbeing recovery plan has helped to protect many of our most vulnerable people from Covid-19, while also tackling some of the most severe inequalities faced as a result.

The cost of living crisis threatens to further exacerbate many of these inequalities. As a result we will adopt a more strategic approach to system-wide prevention, that addresses the wider determinants of health, including employment, housing and the environment to reduce long-term inequalities that will prevent people from reaching reaching their full potential.

Target outcomes

  • A preventative approach to improving physical and mental wellbeing that addresses the wider determinants of health to achieve better and more equal health outcomes.
  • A healthier start for our children and young people with better and more equal physical and mental health outcomes.
  • A stronger care sector with increased capacity to help people and families to manage long-term conditions.
  • More of our households living in good quality and affordable housing.
  • A safer community with fewer cases of crime, domestic abuse, serious violence and addiction

Major developments we will see by 2028

  • Luton will be recognised as the first Marmot Town, delivering on our action plan to tackle the causes of inequality
  • Family Hubs will be in operation providing vital early years support and interventions
  • Over 425 new homes built each year - 20% of which will be affordable homes
  • Ending rough sleeping and halving the number of people in temporary accommodation
  • We will tackle persistent issues of crime and antisocial behaviour leading to a significant improvement in residents’ perceptions of safety in the town
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A man with dreadlocks smiling in a park.

Empowered community

Supporting a strong and empowered community, built on fairness, local pride and a powerful voice for all our residents.

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A dirt path in a wooded area.

Net zero town

Tackling the climate emergency and becoming a net zero town with sustainable growth and a healthier environment.

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A woman reads a book to a group of children in a library.

Child friendly town

Becoming a child friendly town, where our children grow up happy, healthy and secure, with a voice that matters and the opportunities they need to thrive.

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A group of people walking down a street.

Inclusive economy

Building an inclusive economy that delivers investment to support the growth of businesses, jobs and incomes.

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