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Corporate Peer Challenge

As a local council, and a town-wide system, we have a strong clarity of vision and direction. We’re delighted to host such a strong, varied and experienced peer team to Luton as you join us in reviewing our approach as we seek to ensure our resources and efforts are well-aligned towards 2040.
Welcome to Luton.


Corporate Peer Challenge Review: Position Paper


Action Plan

2040 roadmap: outcomes and targets

Applying our new strategic framework

System and council strategic development


Corporate Peer Challenge: Luton Council Position Statement

Peer Challenge timetable

Luton 2040 Vision

Luton 2040 Progress Report

Luton Council Corporate Plan

Service Planning Summary

Luton Strategy Matrix

Latest Corporate Performance Report

Medium Term Financial Plan

Statement of Accounts

Audit position and correspondence

Staff survey

Residents' survey

Organisation and Leadership Chart

Fairness Strategy

Net Zero Roadmap Report

People Strategy


Capital Programme Strategy

Airport expansion summary

Power Court

Outline permission for whole site - 2019

Further outline for residential areas to East and West - 2022

New homes delivery plans

Authority Monitoring Report

Latest Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

Our Latest Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Education Data

Data as requested

Education performance report

On Site Requests

Population Wellbeing strategy - One year on review

Luton 2040 pledges

Housing Strategy

Tenant information

Council Constitution (The most helpful document will be the articles of the constitution, Part 2 A. Part 2B, responsibility for functions, may be of interest too. The Monitoring Officer, Mark Turner, is happy to answer any questions on the Constitution or Debbie Janes on the governance arrangements and committee process.)

Questions from meeting with Robin Porter:

What is our social housing target through Foxhall Homes?

Foxhall Homes has delivered 21 affordable homes so far and plans to deliver another 55 via schemes currently in the pipeline.

How many TAPS properties have been and will be delivered?

110 purchases for TAPS 1 and 2.

CLT/CLMT Terms of Reference

Partnership Boards This diagram shows the current map of our partnership boards. The Luton 2040 Partnership Board is made up of members of the Inclusive Economy Boards (TOR’s here) and Health and Wellbeing Board (TOR’s here). It meets once a year to provide system leadership to 2040 and we host an annual conference for all system partners to share progress.

Education Strategy

Education strategy reset

Business start-up stats

Capital programme

Opening slides

Transformation: Original business case

Commercial contracts and spend

Commercial income generation

Neighbourhood working model

Resident experience

Service integration

Service optimisation

Transformation: Project briefs

Contracts and third party spend

Income generation

Neighbourhood working model

Resident experience out of hours

Resident experience target operating model and technology

Deficit Recovery Planning (DRP)

Adult Social Care Purchased Costs DRP

Adult Social Care assessment costs and income shortfall DRP

Children's Agency Staffing DRP

Children's Placement DRP

Children's Transport DRP

Summons income DRP

Enforcement income DRP

Temporary Accomodation DRP

Accountancy services employee overspend #1 DRP

Accountancy services employee overspend #2 DRP

Legal Services DRP

Detail on Luton Rising Community Fund

(Note from Mark Turner: It needs to be remembered that the previous contract with BLCF for our main fund, the Community Investment Fund, was commissioned by Luton Rising’s Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at the time who happened to be the Council’s Director of Public Health. In my opinion, the monitoring arrangements and the measurement of outcomes were weakly specified in that contract. That has been addressed in the most recent contract which was let under my direction. I have, therefore, attached the BLCF criteria document and outcome measures that will be applied in the future so that the Peer Reviewers can see that we are intending to address the problem.)

Funding overview 2019-2021

2022-23 Luton Rising Report

Luton Rising Community Funding Policy

BLCF Criteria

BLCF Outcome Measures

Council Tax Booklet

Risk Register Dashboard

Risk Register Detailed

Latest Corporate Risk Update Report presented to Audit & Governance Committee

Town Centre Masterplan

Town Centre Strategic Board TOR

Early years entitlement take up

School readiness - Foundation stage profile

School readiness - Attainment trends

Gender Pay Gap Report

Ethnicity Pay Gap Report

Black Lives Matter Motion - Workforce Progress Report

Housing Peer Challenge Report

Housing Peer Challenge Progress Review

LGA Review Action Plan Update

Transformation Scoping

Temporary Accomodation Recovery/Deliverables

Housing People Plan

New Housing Strategy Structure

Note from Cllr Underwood

Public Realm Design Guide

Attached are a range of example communications from LBC/MP’s/system leaders to HO/govt Misters around pressures and impacts faced locally due to disproportionate amount of asylum seekers based in Luton per decisions made by HO.

  1. Robin to Paul Bilbao Deputy Director, Asylum, HO
  2. Hazel to PM, Rishi S
  3. CEx Systems leaders in Luton to Ann Smith, Deputy Director Asylum, HO
  4. Questions put forward by Rachel Hopkins (wider discussion and briefing for MP’s re asylum position)

Summary of additional economic benefits to the Stage

The Stage Social Value

Social Progress Report

Link to latest Scrutiny Finance Review Group reports and minutes

Plan on a page for current economic strategy

Terms of Reference for Refreshed Economic Strategy